Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ready for Halloween



We are ready for the trick or treaters to come tonight. It is fun and in the Halloween spirit, to have a spooky greeting in place, as the children come to your door . Our neighborhood always has a lot of little ghosts and goblins out and about, looking for candy. Hopefully, the nasty weather from Sandy will not scare them away.

If they dare to ring the doorbell, this creepy witch will be there to say hello.

My daughter Megan, carved this Boo-tiful jack-o-lantern that will give a ghoulish glow to the front porch.

The candy is ready in the special Halloween bowl and we will try to resist the temptation to sample a piece or two.

There are pumpkin seeds for us to snack on throughout the evening. My method makes them perfect every time - place the seeds on a cookie sheet, lightly spray with butter favored cooking spray and sprinkle generously with salt. Bake for 20 minutes at 425 degrees. So yummy :-)


I like to make us a special fall cocktail to enjoy while we are handing out candy. This year we will be having a drink I found on Pinterest, called the Apple Pie. It is cider, a shot of vanilla vodka and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Happy Halloween!



  1. Oh My I want to hang out at your house....yummy treats...milk duds my favorite and the pumpkin seeds and special cider yum! Have a wonderful festive night!

  2. It looks like you are fully prepared and those seeds look delicious! I'm hoping we can get out here in NYC today too. Have fun! xx - Monica

  3. I must try the apple pie drink. Thanks for sharing and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  4. You are ALL kinds of ready for tonight! I'd totally join you for a cocktail, that looks yummy.

  5. Looks spooky for the trick or treaters! Happy Halloween!

  6. You really put a lot of effort into decorating and getting ready for Halloween. I LOVE IT! I am sure that all the trick or treaters appreciated the view. :-D

  7. Hi Vicki, Your cocktail sounds good, and so do the pumpkin seeds. I've been wanting to roast some pumpkin seeds, now I know how - thank you!

  8. Cute Halloween decorations, and a yummy sounding drink!


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