Monday, December 10, 2012

Bunco Progressive Party


Friday night, my neighborhood Bunco group celebrated Christmas with our annual progressive party. The first stop was at my house for martinis and a few light appetizers, to get us started. The fun part for me is getting my home ready for company - getting out the pretty martini glasses, putting the flowers in a vase and making sure the cute details like my santa hat charm are in place.

The candles on the mantle and tables were lit for soft, flickering light.

The white lights were shining brightly on my foyer Christmas tree and on the mini trees on the front porch.

The food was ready for my guests to help themselves, as I served the festive Berry Merry Martinis.

We made a toast to the evening and the holidays, before we headed down the street to the next stop, where we would play Bunco and finish the evening with a gift exchange.

It was a fun to usher in the holiday season, with a group that has been together for over 15 years. We have known each other since our kids were little and playing in the neighborhood together. So, we celebrate not only Christmas, but our friendship throughout the years.

Happy Monday!



  1. Looks like a wonderful time and how fun to be a part of such a group. I loved playing Bunco when we lived in Utah, I haven't found a group here yet! I'd start my own if I only knew that many women! Your decorations look beautiful!

  2. There are several blogging friends who play Bunco, it looks like a fun night. I am amazed at how many ladies can play the game at one time. xo

  3. I am not sure what Bunco is, but you all look like you are having a great time. How wonderful to have such a group of people together for that length of time...that's amazing.


  4. Looks like fun-I love the charm!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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