Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Love of English Drama


Like much of the country, I am enthralled by the drama, costumes, scenery and characters of Downton Abbey. I waited and waited for Season 2 to come to Netflix, but it never did. I was determined to find a way to watch it, before I started watching the new season and am happy to say thanks to Amazon and now the PBS app for my iPad, I am caught up and immersed in 1920's England, once again.

The post war era will be fascinating, as inevitable change comes to the Grantham family. After Lady Edith's latest heartbreak, I am interested to see how she will make her way and wonder if the changing roles for women will affect her the most. Many do not like her character, but I find her the most interesting, in her role as the middle and not quite attractive daughter. She fights for any bit of attention and when rewarded, her change in demeanor is remarkable.

My all time favorite English drama is the movie Sense and Sensibility. It is another story of three sisters, similar to Downtown Abbey, in many ways. The scene where Marianne and Edward Ferrars realize they are in love, is amazing and memorable. I have watched this movie many times and always find something new to see.

Other favorites include Becoming Jane, Emma, and Pride and Predjudice; both the newer movie, as well as the mini series with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy ( the best Mr. Darcy by far). If you love Downton Abbey and have not seen these, I would recommend watching them when you have a chance. Curl up on the couch this winter with a blanket and a cup of tea and enjoy the romance of a wonderful English drama.

Have a great day and tell me - do you love these movies too?


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage



  1. Hi Vicki,

    I love English drama, and English comedy too, actually. Sense and Sensibility is also my very favorite. I love the characters of Emma Thompson, Kate Winslett, Alan Rickman, and Hugh Grant. The scenery and costumes are beautiful, and the acting is perfect.

    We watch Downton Abbey, too. I think my husband is starting to think it's a bit too much of a soap opera, but we still enjoy it. I do feel very sorry for Lady Edith and hadn't thought about the middle child bit, but that makes a lot of sense. I didn't agree with her family at first about marrying that fellow, but now I do. He acted like a bit of a weakling the way he handled everything.

    I did a post on England this week to coincide with the return of Downton Abbey. I enjoyed your post, Vicki -- have a wonderful week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. I love these movies too...I have caught on to Downton Abbey yet I think next rainy day I'm in for a marathon!

  3. I haven't seen Downton Abbey but have heard SO much about it! I really need to see this! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. I so love the period pieces and have seen them all. I was lucky enough once I found out about Downton Abbey last year to get both seasons on Netflix. It was early summer and I was so sad to find out it wouldn't be until now that season 3 would come out!

    I see the same things as you with Edith. At first I didn't like her but as time goes on, I appreciate her overcoming her "disadvantages" and playing 3rd fiddle to her other two sisters!

    Have a great week!

  5. Poor Edith! My heart broke for her when I finally watched the episode last night. I love DA - have to say my daughter and I are huge Pride and Prejudice fans and she in particular consumes anything that resembles it - so goes the girl whose cat is named "Darcy". Ann

  6. I'm right there with the craze over all things English. This week's program was full of changes. The wedding scene was my favorite...loved the pretty, soft, pastel dresses worn by the sisters. Then the way they "put the wedding away" back at the house...by replacing the carpet, removing the flowers etc and then seeing the help downstairs...enjoying the fancy food later on in the evening.This program is done so well...it's keeping America entertained.

  7. Yes, I LOVE Downton Abbey and the Sense & Sensibility with Hattie Morahan, which I think was much truer to the book than the one with Emma thompson. AND I LOVE North & South. The story of Mr. Thornton and Margaret Hale is just the best and Elizabeth Gaskell really does a fantastic job being fair to both labor and management.Great story!

    AND, wanted to let you know that I'm having a 4 HomemadeSoapnSuch Valentine Soap Sachet Giveaway - on now through Friday. Hope you'll stop in at Cranberry Morning and enter. :-) (And, I have Downton Abbey-inspired homemade soaps at my Etsy Store and at HomemadeSoapnsuch. :-)) (of course.) lol

    1. I'm with you: "North and South" is a great story. I often think of and about it considering the situation in China or other places where industrialisme is the issue. Labour and management. Have a nice weekend. Regula

  8. I love all things English : ) Well, maybe not the tax rate or the NHS, but other than that almost everything!

  9. I'm all about the BBC production--and if you love Downton Abbey, I highly recommend "Upstairs, Downstairs" which is the same time period and style, but better written (I think).

  10. Do you know "North and South"? It's also a BBC production. I LOVE it (like Cranberry Morning). Downton Abbey might be the series I am looking for and I can watch when my husband is not around. ;-) Have a nice weekend. Regula

  11. We must be 'kindred spirits'!! That scene between Marianne and Edward is one of my all time favorites! I love all things English, and am currently re-reading Jane Eyre for the 100th time. Thanks for sharing and enjoy tomorrow night's Downton Abbey episode!!

  12. I haven't seen one bit of Downton Abbey. I know we're behind the times but we'll eventually rent the whole thing and watch it.

    The Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle is my favorite.
    The Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant is my favorite. I can watch both of these over and over and never tire of them.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  13. I heard so much about Downton Abbey that I had to find it! It was on our PBS station, and since they were coming up on the third season, they played the first and second seasons -- which I recorded. And watched practically nonstop! Now I'm up-to-date with season 3 and love love loving it!! Upstairs Downstairs is wonderful, Jane Eyre is one of my all-time favorite books, and after seeing Colin Firth in The King's Speech, I'll definitely have to watch him in Pride and Prejudice!

  14. I heart Downton Abbey and the PBS channel.

  15. I love all the same sort of movies/stories you do. Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman played their roles wonderfully in "Sense and Sensibility". Colin Firth was amazing as Mr. Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice". I am really enjoying this season of "Downton Abbey", too. Have you seen "North and South"? That is another favorite of mine. Or "Wives and Daughters"?

  16. I found you again on A Favorite Thing and had to comment again. lol It's so much fun to find another fan of periods drama! Did you like Bleakhouse and Rebecca? Loved them! So are we all set for Sunday night's installment of Downton Abbey Season Three? Can't wait!

  17. Jane Austen has always been a favorite of mine, so I love every movie made from her novels. Netflix is where I've found hidden treasures. (There's an English series called Lost in Austen that they've since removed about a modern day girl changing places with Elizabeth Bennett. Some startling changes.) Have you watched North and South? The BBC production, not the Civil War mini-series. Great movie. The ending scene is worth watching over and over and over again.

  18. I adore these movies. Once when visiting a friend of mine in London, we stayed home on a rainy Sunday afternoon and watched London Weekend Television all day. It was heaven!!

    Susan and Bentley

  19. Pride and Prejudice... sigh... I can watch it and Sense and Sensibility forever. Love. Them.

  20. S&S is my all time favorite Austen movie! Love North & South too.


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