Monday, April 22, 2013

Easy Chicken Enchiladas


There are very few foods that I crave, but enchiladas are definitely one of them. We have several favorite Mexican restaurants where I always order the enchiladas - either cheese or chicken - and I don't even really need to look at the menu. One of those funny things, is that I have never made enchiladas at home. I think I thought they were hard to make and with this recipe, I couldn't have been more wrong.

You can find this easy recipe I pinned here and it is a good one. Quick to put together and the enchiladas taste just like the ones from my favorite restaurant. The only change I made was that I baked a couple chicken breasts to shred, instead of using rotisserie chicken. To make this a little lighter you could use low fat cheese and sour cream, but I didn't have those ingredients on hand this time.

This weekend flew by, but started with a fun lunch on Friday with Megan and Melissa. We visited Melissa in East Lansing and went to this little outdoor shopping area to eat and shop a bit - just for fun. I didn't remember to take any photos, because we were all shivering from the cold, cold wind. I reminded them we would soon be sitting on the patio, having lunch at our golf club - but it is getting hard to be patient with this spring we are having. And, Melissa reminded me she has finals starting and is coming home for the summer next week! Where did her sophomore year go? My empty nest will be busy and full again :-)

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

Gooseberry Patch

Make Ahead Meals

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Back For Seconds

Mom's Test Kitchen

Semi Homemade Mom

Barns and Noodles

Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Things





  1. Looks yummy! Have a blessed week dear friend getting ready for a FULL nest again:) HUGS!

  2. Yes, we are all getting impatient......the temps are looking better over here on the other side of the mitten.

  3. Yum, yum, yum! I love chicken enchiladas :) I'll have to try this recipe. Have a great week.


  4. I pinned your recipe to try, Vicki. I love enchiladas too.

  5. The Pres will eat burritos but not enchiladas...go figure! He's just nt fond of Mexican where I am...:)jp

  6. Vicki,
    I love enchiladas. I'm visiting from Marvelous Mondays and I've pinned your recipe.

  7. Busy and full is the way I like it!

    Think we're going to eat out Mexican tonight now that I've seen this enchilada dish!!

  8. We love chicken enchiladas around here. I usually make an extra few to throw in the freezer for the hubby! How fun to have your daughter home for the summer!

  9. Hi Vicki,

    What a delicious recipe. I'm a huge Mexican food fan and usually make my own because Seattle has very little in the way of Mexican restaurants. I grew up in Southern CA where we had some of the best .. and I miss it.

    I'll look forward to trying this!


  10. That looks fantastic. Now I have an idea with the leftover chicken. Hope you have a great weekend.

  11. They look very tasty! My husband loves Mexican food, which is everywhere in San Diego, his hometown.

    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe with us and thanks for joining in!

  12. That's so funny! Enchiladas are my favorite, too, and that's usually what I order when we go out for Mexican food!
    Thanks for sharing at Saturday Dishes! Pinned.


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