Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4th of July White Chocolate Strawberries



We are attending some 4th of July fireworks tonight at a local outdoor historical museum called Greenfield Village. It is a lovely setting and music will be provided by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. We will arrive early with our group of friends and set up our blankets, chairs and a picnic to enjoy, while we relax and listen to the concert.

I am taking three dishes - Skinny Buffalo Chicken Dip, grilled asparagus wrapped in prosciutto and the White Chocolate Strawberries pictured above. My friends will bring other yummy finger food and we will have a delicious pre - fireworks spread to enjoy.

This pin in where the inspiration for the colorful strawberries came from - in fact, it is one of the very first things I tried on Pinterest. One year later and the ideas on Pinterest just keep coming - I love it!


Recipe for White Chocolate Strawberries

Use a good quality white chocolate and break into pieces and place in microwave safe bowl. Add a few drops of cooking oil and microwave for 30 seconds; stir and microwave in 20 second intervals until melted; stirring each time until smooth. (Cooking oil will add shine and help chocolate adhere)

Immediately dip bottom of strawberry in melted chocolate, then dip the very end in blue sprinkles.

Place on wax paper lined cookie sheet or tray and refrigerate until chocolate is set; about one hour.

Happy Wednesday!


{Linking with these friends}

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Rattlebridge Farm

Mom's Test Kitchen

Semi Homemade Mom

Barns and Noodles

Between Naps on the Porch



  1. The strawberries look great! Have a wonderful weekend Vicki!

  2. Sounds like you have the perfect Independence Day celebration planned! I'm so jealous! Our best friends who we've celebrated with over the years are out of town this year. Just isn't the same.

  3. Katie saw those and thought about making them, but chose to do the pretzel sticks instead (time was short).

  4. The strawberries are perfect and they look very tasty!

    Have a wonderful 4th of July!

  5. I love, love, love this idea. How fun. Don't forget, you can still link up to Inspire Me Tuesday - - - Hugs, Marty

  6. What a cute, festive idea! I like!

  7. Those strawberries are beautiful and patriotic:) Have a blessed fire-works time! HUGS!

  8. Adorable!...Have a wonderful time!...:)JP

  9. Sounds like a perfect evening! Enjoy!

  10. What a cute idea, Vicki. Happy 4th!!!

  11. These strawberries are very cute for the 4th of July. Visiting from I Heart Naptime linky party.

  12. These are so cute, Vicki! Thanks for linking up at our Yankee Doodle party!

  13. Love those strawberries. I bet this evening was loads of fun.

  14. Great 4th food! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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