Monday, September 23, 2013

Kitchen Update Journal {one}



This is the first journal entry for my kitchen update that I began last week, with the time consuming removal of a dated wallpaper border. I will update my plans and projects, as I begin the decor decisions and DIY work, over the next few weeks.

I first talked about my inspiration for the kitchen here, and am excited to finally get busy. It will be fun to take all of you along on this DIY journey. One of the projects I am most excited about is a new product I found recently - no grout tiles, made of a gel substance, that look similar to glass tiles. I can't wait to see how they will work on a new backslash and since I know my DIY limits, I think it sounds like a project I can easily do myself.

I'll be making decisions on paint, lighting, window treatments and other accessories over the next few days and look forward to sharing these choices with you. My choices my not be exactly the same as these photos from my Kitchen Inspiration Pinterest board, but the style will be similar.

I can't wait for it all to come together! I already painted the cabinets a few years ago and had new countertops and wood floors done - so it is the finishing details that need to change. It will be a lot of work, but so much fun - and you can come along with me :-)

Happy Monday!


Linking with

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. No-grout tiles sound like the answer to everybody's issue with tile! Will be fun to see how it all comes together.

  2. I agree, no grout tiles would be awesome! Loving all the inspiration pictures.

  3. We're in the middle of kitchen renos too! In fact, my new floor comes today! I'm sneaking some time in the computer before the workmen arrive. It's so much fun (even if it is hard work) to have new kitchen decor.

    Didn't realize you were on Pinterest - following your boards now.

  4. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful kitchen you are putting together! I can't wait to watch you as you work! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. Have fun with this:) It's a lot of work but well worth it. The grout-less tile is the way to go:) xxL

  6. I love an adventure and your kitchen redo sounds like something perfect to watch!


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