Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits



I have done my fair share of helping my daughters with projects over the years. I have been room mom, brownie leader and booster club president. You would think those days would be in the past, now that college is in the picture, but when they are involved and busy, you still pitch in when you can.

Melissa is in charge of the Pompon Alumni/Parent Tailgate at MSU this Saturday and thought it would be cute to give homemade dog biscuits to the dogs, brought along. Since she lives in a college house and has no rolling pin or other baking supplies, I offered to make them - and it was fun!

The biscuits are made just like cookies and the dough was very easy to work with. My puppy tried a few and loved them. I have never made homemade dog biscuits before, but they are so healthy with such simple ingredients, I would definitely make them again.

The final step was to put them in individual bags, tied with Spartan green - ready to pass out to all the dogs who attend the tailgate.


Recipe for Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

Beat 2 eggs with hand mixer until fluffy. Add 3/4 cup pumpkin purée and 3 T peanut butter until mixed well. Add 2 1/2 cups flour. Separate dough in half and roll 1/2 on well floured surface. Cut with a cookie cutter (I used a dog bone shape) and place shapes on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Repeat with other 1/2 of dough.

Happy Wednesday and Happy Birthday to my hubby - you are the best!


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Alderberry Hill

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a bowl full of lemons

Kathe with an E

Life on Lakeshore Drive

Craftberry Bush

Live Laugh Rowe

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Rooted in Thyme

The Girl Creative

The Tablescaper

Jennifer Rizzo

DIY by Design

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Coastal Charm

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)



  1. I bet my dogs would love these too. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. I bet PEOPLE would like them too! lol

  3. These look fantastic, would you mind if I pin it?

  4. My dogs would love these too! Always looking for dog treats. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

  5. You read my mind. I have been wanting to make some homemade dog treats. Thanks for sharing your recipe, I am pinning your post.

  6. Great idea at Christmas! Can't forget about the pooches. They need gifts too! Thanks for sharing! Stop by my Friday's Five Features tomorrow and link up this post (and others)!

  7. What a fun idea and these look like a wonderful doggy treat. My pups love peanut butter in their kong in the morning while I make coffee:)

  8. I think I'm going to try these, my dog doesn't seem to like store bought treats. Thanks for sharing at From The Farm Linky party! ~ MamaGing

  9. That looks an easy and quick recipe. Bet my puppy would love them.

  10. These sound great, hope I can do them justice. What a nice Mom you are to help out. I'm sure your daughter will be wowed with compliments. Happy weekend.

  11. These are adorable! You give me hope that when they are all gone, I'll still be able to be a part of things!

    Thankful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. I have a grand-doggy that visits. I'll bet she would love some of these on her next visit. I will have to make sure I label them correctly or I can just see my husband sitting down with a big glass of milk and some "cookies". I would be sorely tempted not to tell him until after he had finished. Oh boy I am not very nice am I lol.

  13. I've been wanting to make yummy treats for my pup! Thanks for sharing! Pinned!

  14. Very cute :) I look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas. Have a great week.

  15. Vicki, that's so thoughtful! You have a wonderful daughter there! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  16. How fun is this, I love this idea, and what a special treat. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  17. I need to make these our dogs love peanut butter Would love it if you cam by and shared at One More Time Events..

  18. I am sure that there were some extra happy dogs after eating these delicious treats! Thanks for sharing them with SYC.

  19. My Sherman would love these treats. I've pinned your recipe to make for him in the future.

  20. I love making treats for my dog and I can't wait to try this recipe!

  21. This recipe is so easy! I definitely need to make these for my three littles ASAP. Thank you for sharing :)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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