Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days {2014}





When I was at Ash Wednesday mass yesterday, the priest said something that seemed so fitting towards the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge I am about to start. He asked the question, why not, instead of looking at the Lenten penance as giving something up, look at it as taking something on. Something that is good for your spirit and shows your faith to the world.




So, today I start this process, as I did last year at this time. I will slowly, but surely fill the 40 bags; some to donate and some to throw away. I don't follow a specific plan or have a list. I will just move from room to room, as the mood strikes. I may fill one bag in a day or I may fill ten. That is the process that works for me.




As the bags fill, the clutter leaves my house, as well as my mind. There is new found space in both places. Hopefully the donated, clothes and other household items will go to help someone. The physical act of reducing clutter is a powerful thing.

I am choosing to take this on during this Lenten season, one bag at a time.



  1. I think this is a wonderful idea Vicki! My house is so cluttered, it's overwhelming but with one bag at a time it's a much easier task. I'm going to try doing this. I may not get a bag everyday but I might get 2 or 3 in one day. Thanks for the idea.
    Good luck with your decluttering.

  2. This is totally inspirational! So glad I found it this morning. I'm starting today. It's a great idea, for that first photo tells it all: this 'stuff' begins to own a person.

  3. This is inspiring. I am struggling with letting go of stuff myself.

  4. Great idea. I too agree, it can be something you take on rather than give up!! I too am tired of the stuff, and do not want it to define me.

  5. You go girl! I have to empty my kitchen for the renovation on Monday, so I'm sure I'll fill a few bags worth!

  6. I really admire your commitment in de-cluttering your space! I too struggle with letting go. I have used the a bag full method for several years now, for some odd reason if I try to do more I start digging through the bag and taking out. I also put this bag in my car straight away and it goes to donation the next time I go into town.

  7. Vicki, I love this idea! Decluttering is my constant quest. I follow the rule: Item in, item out. A friend wanted to pass along a few pieces of Portmeiron to me and, in order to accept them, I donated three pieces from my cupboard to make room for the new.

  8. Vicki, although I am babysitting today! when I get home! I am also taking this on..It's good for the soul!...:)JP

  9. I'm doing the same....only on a smaller scale. Someone here doesn't want to throw things away.
    Our Priest said pretty much the same last year. He said to clear our minds of clutter. I'm working on mind and my house. So far, I have been in the basement and found 17 bags full of Christmas things that I haven't used in years, a couple of trees, and some bins of clothing were gone through. If I hadn't worn the item in the past couple of years....I felt that someone else could benefit....Some of the things went to the curb, and others to good will box drop. Joe says he may go through his closet and take his clothing to the Rockford Rescue Mission. Our food barrel at Church will get a bag full.
    Loved this idea last year...and wanted to do it now.Thanks for the idea....Hope your Lenten challenge goes well . Balisha

  10. That's a beautiful idea and a timely reminder. Thanks. :)

  11. Clearing out the clutter gives off a wonderful freeing feeling . . .
    You go girl!

  12. I love this idea and am going to give it a shot. I'm always taking things to the Goodwill, so this is a great opportunity to really purge.
    Much better than giving up chocolate for Lent ☺

  13. I really like this idea! I'm trying to do 40 bags in 40 days this year, too. It feels good to let it go! Happy weekend, Vicki! xo

  14. What a great way to celebrate Lent. And your decluttering style makes a lot of sense to me.


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