Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Forcing Blooms




Forcing forsythia blooms by bringing the newly budded branches inside to the warm air, is something I have always wanted to attempt, but tend to forget, until the optimum time has passed. When reading my friend Janes's blog, she mentioned that she had given it a try and I decided to do the same. We have experienced some gorgeous, warmer days, that have melted all our snow and just now, brought out the blooms on the forsythia bushes.

Here is the method I used, after reading several instructions when I googled "forcing forsythias". First, using garden clippers, I cut several branches about 2 feet long, making sure the branches I cut were filled with buds. Bring the branches inside and cut again on an angle, while immersed in warm water. Place the stems in a container filled with warm water. Change water daily and expose to plenty of sunlight.

Hopefully, in a few days, I will have beautiful, spring blooms to pretty up my kitchen.



And, look what I found yesterday, hiding under the snow, once it melted. These sweet crocus are always the first flowers to bloom and what a welcome sight they are :-)

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch



  1. I forced my blooms this year and they turned out beautiful. Happy Spring!

  2. We've had snow drops for several weeks now..No crocus'..Maybe there aren't any around here..Enjoy your day Vicki

  3. Don't you just love those crocus (crocuses?) (croci?) They're beautiful! I feel sorry for them when they get snowed on again. :-( But so cheering, aren't they.

  4. Vicki, II should be home in plenty of time to try this on ours!!! Thanks for sharing...:)JP

  5. I love your crocus!! I'm going to have to take another peek at my garden beds! I hope you get some flowers on those branches soon!


  6. Bunny looks good! Good blossoms!

  7. I like your approach to Spring. I hope it works I love when they are in full bloom! Have a wonderful day!

  8. I saw some crocus yesterday ..That reminds me..I need to take my camera for a walk the next time it's not raining..and there is a pussy willow "tree" down the street..Need to take my clippers with me..

  9. Hooray for crocuses. They are always so welcome, some of the first blooms of spring. I hope the forsythia will soon be blooming indoors for you. I forced some branches earlier and they were lovely. Now the forsythia is in full bloom outdoors here, so I've brought in some apple twigs to force.
    Spring is so full of hope!

  10. Thanks for your visit, Vicki. It looks like we have forsythia branches in common. You're well ahead of me on crocuses, though; I like the beautiful colour of the ones in your photo.


  11. Seriously? I have never tried that! Mine have been blooming but I'll remember that for my impatient self next year:) Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

  12. I do the same thing for the forsythias. We need a punch of color around here!

  13. I used to regularly force bouquets of peach branches until we cut the tree down. They were so cheery early in spring. :)

  14. Forcing Forsythia is fun. I haven't done it for a few years. My Lenton Rose, Heather, and Pasque flowers are the early bloomers in my garden. Always a welcome sight! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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