Wednesday, November 12, 2014

This Is Sparta




When you are the mother of daughters, you try to find a balance between the fun girly side of life and at the same time encouraging them to grow up to be strong women. Melissa's MSU Pompon Team competed in the Collegiate High Kick Championship this past weekend and I couldn't have been prouder of the inspiring theme that was picked by their coach. It was a theme inspired by the movie 300, as well as the trademark Spartan namesake of MSU. These young women came prepared to compete; full of pride for their university and excited about the chance to portray strong, brave female warriors, ready for battle.



This theme embodied everything these amazing young women stand for and have learned by being part of this team. They are young women that believe in hard work and in standing by your teammate and friend. They are strong in mind, as well as body and support each other both during practice and competitions and in the stress of academic life. They are wonderful examples to the younger pommers watching the competition and represent their university well.



Melissa is a senior this year and the four years on this team have been a wonderful experience. She has made so many memories and learned how far having goals and working hard can take you. She loves the sport of pompon, but more importantly, over the four years, she has learned that in the face of challenges and adversity, she is a strong women. And, as being part of this team shows you - you are only as strong as the Spartan standing next to you.

If you would like to see the full routine click here.



  1. What a fabulous experience. And I agree, amazing strong women indeed!!

  2. You've done an amazing job of raising strong young women Vicki! It sounds as though Melissa has had a fun and challenging learning experience.

  3. Oh my goodness, I know you are proud! LOVE the costumes! Heading to look at the routine:) HUGS!

  4. I had to come back and say THAT WAS AWESOME! Powerful performance! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Awesome!! What a super performance..You have every right to be a proud Mom!!

  6. Great photos, and what fun for her! I'm sure it is an experience she will carry with her, always!

  7. Amazing!!!!! And the video really exemplified what you were saying about how strong and proud these girls are. Go Spartans!!!

  8. I love watching competitions like that. I appreciate all of the time and hard work that goes into those routines. I love the theme.

  9. Congratulations to Melissa and her teammates. What a performance! A example of strong (and talented) women!


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