Monday, May 30, 2016

Home of The Brave




It's been a busy few days in my yard and garden, but I just have a few things left to do. The American flag takes prominence on this Memorial Day morning, right next to my newly planted geraniums. It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices that have made this county the land of the free and the home of the brave.

My plan for the morning includes a second cup of coffee, followed by some yoga to stretch out all my gardening aches and pains. No hard work today - I'll leave the rest for tomorrow. We may barbeque something or we may go find a restsurant with an outdoor patio later, but no definate plans as of yet. Just a day to enjoy beautiful summer weather, filled with sunshine, family and the bright blue, wide open skies of America.

Happy Memorial Day!



  1. Back at ya, Vicki!

  2. Love that you do yoga to stretch out your aching muscles, good for you! I'm glad you took the day to rest and reflect.
    Have a great week Vicki.

  3. Hope you had a good day!! Did you BBQ or go out?


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